Friday, September 17, 2010

New old house!

For those of you who dont know, We have moved back to South Weber! Yes we have a "new" old house that we bought and are in the process of fixing up. Most of these picture are a month or two old so they are kind of "before" pictures, i will put some after pictures up in a bit. If anyone every came to our BBQ's at the pond then you drove right past this place. Some of you even know it as the Peacock lady's house. Yes that one... As you can see, it hasnt had a lot of love for a while so we have out work cut out for us. Luckily we are moving into a great ward, and have already had 3 service projects! A lot of the trees were overgrown and the pfitzers in the back seem to have organized into a crude tribe of barbarians. Luckily we were able to beat them back and they are now submissive once more. We are very happy to be in our new house, even though it is 40 years older than the one we are leaving behind. Cant wait to show everyone the finished project!
This is the view of the front. Obviously.

Most of the interior work being done right now is in the living room. This picture is after we tore down the old wood paneling (long live the 70's), removed the old insulation, and this is right after the new insulation was blown in. Those of you wishing you had olive green wool carpet, eat your heart out.

Link is helping Angie remove the cabinet doors just prior to painting them white. We also had to take the cabinets down in order to reinstale them to make room for the new appliances. And yes, the old stove and fridge matched the carpet perfectly.

This is a picture of the back of the house... What you are seeing is a greenhouse/atrium that was built onto the back. This is where the pfitzers were organizing against us. If you lool at where the grass starts you can see how far out they had grown. Believe it or not, i even found a dead deer in them this spring... Talk about killers!

The north side of the house. You can see where we framed in a door and window.

Dad and Tim putting up sheetrock in the living room.

We have a couple deer that call the place home, but i couldnt get the pictures to load